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February 21 2010 7 21 /02 /February /2010 12:09
On Sunday 21 February, our 5th Awareness Camp was held in penchayat Bhawan Badan Bhuin (Bhuntar), 10 kms South of the Handimachal Kullu Therapy Unit.  Bhuntar is a very busy Indian town on the national "highway" and is known for its well-stocked shops and its small airport:  taking a flight from Delhi to Bhuntar will save you the exhausting 15 or 16 hour trip by night bus!  

The organisation process of the camp is now well polished:  on 5 February, Yuv Raj went to meet the president and members of the penchayat (village committee) in Bhuntar in order to make a presentation of the Handimachal project, of activities carried out in the Unit and objectives of awareness camps, handing out posters and pamphlets in Hindi.  Ten days later some representatives visited the Unit to further discuss the organisation of the camp:  a small amount of money was given to them so they could organize refreshments and snacks, as well as specific letters to be distributed to families.

Kanica and Yuv RajKanica and Yuv Raj leading discussions
after the play

Luckily that Sunday was a very sunny day:  around 120 persons attended the camp (113 signed in the register), enjoyed our small drama and song, listened to the various speeches and took part in discussions on thematic subjects raised from the play.  12 children were presented to Kanika for check-up and, as this was the case already in previous camps, some of them should have been presented to a general practitionner rather than to a physiotherapist...  Nevertheless, three disabled children were referred to our Unit and, the fourth one was advised to consult in CRC Sundernagar.

Although we could not meet as many disabled children as we thought, the fact that all three children were brought to the Unit since that day is a very comforting result.  It is now clear that this kind of event is a necessary and efficient mean of disseminating valuable information and meeting the local public, which is further emphasized by a press coverage in local newspapers after each camp. 

If you wish to view some of the pictures taken in Bhuntar, please open the dedicated photo album here.

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